Intervention: Anything But My Own Skin

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A check off the bucket list

It's here!  It's here!  I can't believe it.  The UPS delivery man finally showed his face.  I've been waiting a year and a half for this moment.  In my hands, I hold a small cardboard box.  It's no bigger than an encyclopedia, but it's the only thing that stands between me and my dream.  I rush to my room, immediately sit down on the bed and place the box next to me.  In my right hand, I hold a kitchen knife.  It's a serene moment.  It's a moment that I soak in.  It's a moment that I have dreamed of for months.  But that moment is now a reality so I sit and I soak it all in.  A minute passes before I let out a sigh and pull the knife across the postal tape.  I am like a surgeon, making sure I don't harm the contents...  Making sure I don't hurt my dream.  The tip of my index finger reaches between the gap of the two folds on the brown box.  The edges are rough and pull on my skin as I peel the fold back.  I then peel the left fold back.  Then I peel the last two folds back.  The box is open.  My heart is surging with a feeling of excitement.  There is still a brown layer of paper separating me from my dream.  I peel off the paper and there it is.  The endorphins saturate my brain.  I am so high with happiness that I feel like I am on another planet.  I am in shock.  I have created something that only a small percentage of the population has created.  I have published a book.

We can all do great things.  We are all meant to do something more than the routine of the day to day.  What's your big thing?  What are you going to do or what have you done that is a great thing?

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