Intervention: Anything But My Own Skin

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Addiction Memoir: Addiction Certification

Three years ago, I decided to switch my major from business to psychology.  My plan was to go to grad school, earn a masters and then finally start working in the field of addiction.  After, turning three years of school into two years by loading down my semesters with psych class after psych class, I was burnt out on school.  During a psych class, I discovered a way of becoming an addiction counselor that required two years of work experience while counseling under supervision.  Originally, I planned to graduate college and start working a paid position where I could get the needed experience.  Boy was I wrong.  Not only did I discover I probably wasn't going to be getting paid, I found out I would actually have to be paying a professional to learn from him or her.  Yikes!  What did I get myself into...

Well I managed to find a place called Safety Net Recovery, where I could gain the experience I needed without paying someone.  It was perfect.  Now, as a recent college grad, I had to figure out how to make money while working a job in the field I went to school for.  A fellow counselor of where I am currently working at Safety Net offered to help me get a job at a treatment center called Ridgeview Institute. 

As of today, I am going to officially be a paid employee assisting in the counseling of addiction and be getting credited with the hours I need to become a Certified Addiction Counselor.  My perfect plan has arrived.  I am working where I want to be working, I am changing lives, and I am getting paid.  This perfect plan has fallen into place for one reason and one reason only.  I decided to do God's will for my life and not my own.  I have arrived where I am meant to be.  It's happening... It's happening right before my very eyes. My future is here today.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Drug and Alcohol Memoir: Preventing Addiction in Teens

How do you prevent drug use in teens? It's the ultimate question. Millions of dollars, hours of research, and tons of trial and error strategies have been used to decipher what is the best way to prevent drug use in teens. Sure, talking to your teen will help and so will the drug and alcohol awareness classes at school, but isn't there more we can do? Haven't we been doing these things for years? What else is there?

When it comes to drug use in teens, one of the most common reasons I've seen for teen usage is a low self-esteem. It's important to get your teen involved in groups that will boost his or her self-esteem though activities that are incompatible with drug use. However! Do not force your teen into the sport, group, or activity you enjoyed while you were in high school. Just because you were the star quarterback does not mean your teen wants to play a sport. Take the time to really find out what he or she enjoys, not what he or she thinks mom and dad will approve of.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Addiction Memoir- Spirituality in Recovery

There comes a point in one’s recovery from addiction, where the question of spirituality is brought to attention. For many individuals, the concept of spirituality is foreign territory. Not because spirituality does not exist, but because drugs and alcohol have left no room for a spiritual being to exist inside the body of the user. A life full of drug use is a life empty on everything else, which is what can make recovery so hard. Take away the drugs and alcohol and what’s left? Nothing.
For this reason, it is important to find a spiritual being to mend the brokenness created from a life filled with drugs and alcohol. Could this be a higher power? Absolutely. Without a higher power to restore the insanity created from addiction, there is no hope for a full recovery. During the period of the active addiction, the drugs and alcohol were the higher power in the addict’s life. If you don’t believe the drugs were the higher power, then you need to go back to step one, where your life was unmanageable.
Finding something bigger than the addicts own selfish desires is how to regain spirituality. This means, find a path that seeks to help others, instead of seeking a path that directly benefits your own desires and needs. Put others needs first and your soul will be restored.